My favorite memory of Alicia is from when we were just getting to know each other. One day I was sitting in the lunch room eating, I don't even remember what it was. I think my lunch had shrimp in it and Alicia walked by me and was like, "Oooh that looks good, I want some". Then she stuck her finger in my food and grabbed some. I wasn't expecting that so I guess I looked a little shocked and we both started laughing. Then, like an hour later, Alicia came over to me and said "Um, I hope you don't mind that I stuck my finger in your food". We both totally bursted out laughing. Then she told me that she had gone back to her desk and was worried she was going to get an OA from Human Resources that it is not appropriate to stick your fingers in other people's food (for those of you not employed at PMG, an OA is an inter-office email we all share). I think we laughed for five minutes because everyone knows it's not good to get one of those kind of OA's. So, I'm glad that this will probably be the way I remember her best because it always brings a smile to my face, just like her.